Creative Writing

A few years ago, I wrote a picture book story that I've been trying to get published. Unfortunately, it's been harder for me to try to figure out how to get an agent than it was to write the story!  I had it accepted by Writer's Literary Agency when I first wrote it, but they do not actively try to sell the story.  It is just in their "inventory" in case someone comes looking for something like it - it's like an actress waiting to be "discovered"!  So I've moved on and submitted it to two other agencies (rejected both times!).  I've been writing other stuff in the mean time, but I'm using this story to figure out the publishing part of the business.

For those who have similar ambitions of becoming a published author, you are welcome to post your stories on our site.  On the left you will see a list of links labeled Creative Writing.  These are stories saved as google docs that various authors wish to share.  If you would like your story posted on this list, please contact me.  In the meantime, we invite you to post below your writing tips, feedback on stories you've read on this site, your experiences in trying to get published or even just your love of writing!  Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. i love writing but all my stories r saved on the other com which has been taken down 2 send to saudi arabia (grr)
